Slow Day
Everything had now calmed down, all election, kidnapping and cancellation hoopla had calmed down. As a result, Hera had found new closeness with his friends. After all they had cared for him, dearly. So, Hera was spending more and more time with them. And was learning more and more about them.
It was very intriguing experience for him; he was watching people for 1st time and realizing they were different too. Sometimes, it becomes too close for comfort and to close to manage without being misunderstood or slip in the flow. Or end up learning some things that can really change one's perception towards the other.
Hera, ended up knowing to well, who was like what. Found Monc to be living in present. Good, he remained happy for most of time, was charming to every girl, nowadays. But seemed shallow, for often would forget what he had said two days back. But, then it was not that he did not mean it, he really had bad memory when it came to conversation.
Vin, was volatile, could easily be ticked off. Temper was always high with him. Smoky was aloof, always, smoke was most important to him, and then his bike. Rack was bit of a guru kind, being older than others. While Rocky is just opposite, he was most fun loving and fun being with, because of his ability to entertain, but had a serious side when needed.
Duds was a duds, she was very intelligent in her Indian way, was 1st ranker in her stream and used to get distinctions, but had her dumb moments when in intense discussions. Vee was lost, not in her career but in her life.
Taklya, was enigma in itself, he was most difficult to understand, but once his layers were opened, to Hera, he seemed most dubious of the lot, but not harmful in any way. On other hand Wari was very clear in her thought and frank, there was little difference in what she thought and what she said, it was due to some control she was learning to exercise, because everyone said so.
Wari's frankness and small height brought Hera close to her. Frankness is quite simple to understand, as Hera too was quite frank. But Wari's short height meant she had to travel sitting behind Hera, as BOXER was comfortable for her. This led others to think that Hera and Wari were going out.
On other hand, Hera was having worrying thoughts about who is or wants to be close to whom, he feared the group would disintegrate.