That day!

Every girl dreams of being cared for, treated like a princes and spoiled for at least a day, by the guy she is with, and one such occasion was fast approaching, in a week's time it was going to be the Valentines day! And not any Valentine, it was going to be the first one for Monsoon with Hera.

Monsoon cherished thought of being spoiled, being treated as princess, woman of his life and what not, but she did not want to be known as Hera's girlfriend, for she was not. A dilemma she was fighting in her thoughts. No it was not love in her heart, but the love in air, topic of hostel rooms, girls having boyfriends discussing how to plant a hint of what present they want in the poor boys head! 

The only question to Monsoon's mind was: 
             "Why a gift only from Hera?" 
             "Why is she not dreaming of getting gifts from other suitors?" 
             "Why not some one else?" 
             "Was it his not giving up on her attitude?" 
             "What was it?"
             "Was she falling for him?"
             "Was it simply because he would give her one even if she did not accept it?"
What ever it was, it kept her mind occupied with thoughts of Hera.

Hera was indeed getting ready to spend big, and big meant big! No not any fancy limo ride or restaurant, but whole day of outing! A ride down to Mahabaleshwar, from sunrise to sundown, only two them, lunch and dinner at Mapprow Garden, spoil her with all the strawberries and cream and brownies and ice-creams and sizzlers all the good things in life. And on return to city a nice late night movie, if she got permission for night out. All of this was a big secret, none knew anything about this, not even Monk.

Hera had first time hidden something from Monk, not because he thought of it as personal, but because he did not want it to turn into double date. Monk was looking forward to propose Sam on this valentine, and Mahabaleshwar would have been a perfect idea, so thought Hera and so the secrecy.

Hera was toying with idea of proposing to Monsoon too! Again! This time armed with a ring, a beautiful solitaire American diamond ring. And while he contemplated on the idea, days passed by quickly, and already next day was valentine. That evening Monsoon called Hera and asked to be taken for a long ride. And away they went. Hera had to ask her out, and today was going to be last day to do so, hence

            Hera: "Is it possible for you to meet me tomorrow?"

            Monsoon: "Why?" Bit expectant with anxiety!
            Hera: "For whole day?" adding quickly "We can go somewhere, long ride and have fun, it is a holiday tomorrow."

            Monsoon: "Do you think I do not know that tomorrow is Valentine? Do you think I am stupid?"
             Hera: "No, but it is a good day, I do not have any assignment to complete, and as college festival is approaching classes are bit relaxed, plus it is a holiday. So I am just asking you if you would come."

             Monsoon: "No, I would not." In spur of the moment.  

             Hera:"Okay! So is there any chance of next Sunday?" Hoping that, the whole stubborn no is only for Valentines Day taboo thing. 

             Monsoon: "Can not say anything now!" Only if he had persisted little bit more.

             And an awkward silence happened. This broke Hera's heart, but then he did not realize a girls no may not be a no at all.

             Monsoon: "Were you going to try something fancy? For if you would have;  I would never have been with you again."

             Hera: "No, nothing, just wanted to go out, somewhere, with someone, all others are busy."

             Monsoon: "Do you still love me?"
             Hera: "Yes, I do, but then, those are my feelings and I can take care of them, you do not have to worry about them."

             Monsoon: "Can't you just give up on me, you can get some one better, why love me when I do not love you back."

             Hera did not have answer for this question and hence kept silence.

             Hera dropped her at hostel, and went to room with heavy heart. That day Hera did not have a friend to share his thoughts or emotions, Valentine seemed a far away wish.


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