Morning Mahabaleshwar !

It was morning, rubbing his eyes Hera got up, to look around bodies lying around, asleep, boy’s room was looking really overcrowded, and when Hera checked where he was sleeping a minute before, it was best bed. Hera was not accustomed to fan air, hence chose the one bed that was away from fan. Hence, king’s share came to him, and slept peacefully.

As Hera started off with his morning chores, Taklya got up, bit uneasy, it was really early for him. Taklya checked his watch and was horrified, and irritated at the person making all sorts of noise in the other room.

Hera came out and started kicking other people, Monk to start of with, shouting "Wake up!" And Taklya opened the main door, and thrust watch into Hera's face, uttering

"Did you even bother to check what time it is?"

Hera watched the watch, and then saw the skyline, it was pitch-dark, checking the time, and it was only 3:30 in morning.

Monk came in support of Hera, "If we do not wakeup now, we would miss sunrise point." And unintentionally, Hera had saved everyone's sunrise view. Girls were already up and getting ready. But were considering whether to try and wakeup boys and risk seeing something unwanted, or risk of missing the sunrise. Throughout the day, Hera got compliments for saving the day.

Each boy got ready as reluctantly as possible, and each girl as good as possible. Then they moved out and on bike, almost on a race against time, morning: Sunrise point, then this point, that point, elephant point, etc to sunset point. And in between, there was an accident.

Teep while riding bike and Duds behind him, were doing fine, but Teep was new to biking, while Duds was getting overenthusiastic. And in process started moving on bike, pointing here, there, giving small jerks to bike. Teep warned her, but it was difficult for her to curb her actions, and on one turn, bike went off road, and they slipped.

Result sprained ankle for Duds and some bruises for Teep. Good news for Hera, he was not going to be driving alone anymore. Obvious substitution. Hera, thought his luck is changing for good, atleast he will have some good company on bike.

At that very moment Hera's eyes felt on a girl who was also looking at him and he started checking her out. She was good and then she along with her friends started walking towards him. Hera was now sure, his luck was changing, she was just few feet's away, she was smiling at him, he at her, she was just a step away, when Duds tabbed on Hera's shoulder, and Girls whispered, "Oh! He is taken, such a cheap guy, has a girlfriend still checking us up!"

Hera looked at Duds, frowned and got on the bike to drive!

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