Discussions of the day had not left anyone's head empty, and lot many Questions unanswered. All were contemplating on answers, and only Monc and Hera had them, but they were struggling with their own choices. A dilemma in heart, what o chose, to say the truth, lose all friends, including girls or live with the weight of truth and never tell anyone. Monc was contemplating on these choices, permutations and combinations of who will stay friends and who would not. At least, girls were clear of one thing, that Hera and he did not love them.
Monc turning to see what Hera was thinking, found him asleep; sound asleep like a baby, one would have said, if he were not clutching a pillow and uttering "Monsoon". And Monc nudged Hera a bit, to switch his blabbering off, and then said to himself: "At least someone is not affected at all" and switched off the lights.
Next morning was normal run of the mill morning, run to bathroom, run to shower, run to get ready, run to college, respective classes and assignments and practical's, and so ran the thoughts of group and their misery out of everyone's head. It was a busy day and what followed was a busy week.
Still, that evening Monc could not stop himself from asking Hera,
"Why was he not worried about group?"
And for once Hera had an answer: "I was worried, I was so worried for last few weeks, remember I wrote that Poem, and none understood, except for Taklya, this what I was worried about, unfortunately, this happens in all groups and yet people have been leaving like this for years before us, so why worry about the inevitable. I am now sure, we will lose some or all of our friends as days go by, as more and more people fall in love, as we fall in love or simply move on in their carrier."
As days passed group forgot about the damaged done by Taklya and regrouped, and had more fun as days passed.
Taklya did come back, for a short visit, apologized to Monc, Smoky, Rocky, Vin, and Rack, for not giving answers before leaving abruptly. Monc was very angry at first, but then let it go. To Hera, he said "Sorry for bringing your fear to life, but look you lived through it." And that was last of Taklya in group, took all his belongings and left.
Meanwhile, it was proving more tedious to get close to Monsoon for Hera than anything else, even her glimpse was not possible. And Wari could not make ends meet either. Status Quo Continued!
April 21, 2010 at 11:10 AM
Re-grouping is a good feeling...we tend to enjoy more than usual :) Keep writing!!!!