Miss Meteorite!
Hera used to attend college sparingly before result, in mental sense. What i mean to say is that, he used to attend college physically, sit or rather slump in the last seat, sleepily and draw some doodle, which would have been his dream bike. Had not noticed anyone, so had no idea, who was part of class and more importantly who was not. But now, there was altogether a new Hera in class, who used to sit next to most sincere student Anth, in first two rows and directly in front of board. Taking down notes and paying attention to faculty.
Fellow pupil had to give proxy on behalf of Hera but, now for the first time in his life he had got the opportunity to pay back some of his friends. Hence, Hera learned how to give proxy attendance, in fact he did it quite well, it came naturally to him. He took to it like fish to water. So one day it was time for him to give proxy for two of his friends, and his own, all the roll calls were were well paced, in fact formed a series, including Anth's roll number too. But something else was in store for Hera.
Bell rang, Hera was noticing things, watched everyone take there seat and then she walked in. Hera asked Anth who was she? She is beautiful. Anth was answering, she is Miss Meteorite. but Hera was not listening. He was already in a trance. He was just staring at her when roll call started. 1 2 3 4.....no change in Hera's trance, 9 10 11 12.............still staring.........19 18 20........not a mussel moved, 23 24 25............ mouth open in aw .... 29 29....Anth looks at Hera, shuts his mouth 29 yes ma'am, says Hera. Ma'am looks at him and continues to take roll call 30 31 32......... Trance broken, ....39, yes ma'am. Ma'am does not look up and she continues roll call.....40 41 42.... that was close call, Hera thought, now only his attendance remains. 49 and yes ma'am goes Hera. Ma'am looks up and Hera is caught.
Hera, is back in trance, nearly, she is standing so close, so beautiful, she is scolding me why? Out of trance, oh! she is Ma'am!
To her: Sorry ma'am, no ma'am, the 1st two were proxies,.
Oh shit, she did not know about 29, she did not need to know about 29.
To her: Sorry ma'am, I am really sorry.
Oh, i should stop smiling, it is not convincing, but she is standing so close, so beautiful! How can i let her know? No, this is not the right time, no she is this close.
To her: Sorry ma'am.
Oh she is so close to sun, so heated up, so angry, she is clearly showing all her red colors. At top of her voice, so beautiful, so sweet!
Oh she is so close to me, lets see should i kiss her. All i have do is stoop a bit, i am on higher ground and I can reach her. No, that would be wrong, no girl would like it, but that would shut her up. No, it might get me rusticated. So what else can i do? Oh! yes i can whistle, she would understand by it right away! Heck, i do not know how too. What can i do? yes i can wink at her.
To her, he winked and said sorry ma'am, she continued her scolding, and he winked again. This time she was visibly embarrassed and other than her and Hera, only Anth knew what happened and so he nudged him. But, Hera winked at her again and said sorry ma'am, this time she cooled down a bit and decided to drop the subject. However, Hera tried to continue with it, and got a big nudge from Anth, this time it hurt and he stopped.
Well, she continued with attendance and on 59, she heard voice from same corner, looked up and this time it was and Anth in all defensive way, thats my first roll call and thats my real number too! Hera is all smiles.
From that day, Hera did not miss her single lecture, not even the one where she scheduled one at 7:30 in morning. Where much to embarrassment of miss meteorite and amazement of Hera, he was the only one to turn up. She taught Cathode ray tube and swear-ed, she would not teach others. But she did, Hera was disappointed.
Later, at end of the semester, sadly for Hera, Miss Meteorite resigned and went on to get a permanent position in another college. However, when all this was going on, Hera got a surprise......
October 11, 2009 at 4:03 AM
very small role for Miss Meteorite but was very interesting....hmm so whats the surprise.. :)