The Night Light Out!

           As every one was habituated to study at night, college lights were always lit for its students. And hence, to avoid any unpleasant things, there was an inspection squad, which would carry out surprise inspection to check if any one was smoking or was there any girl sill sitting in college at night etc. On one such night, as the inspection squad came to carry out a surprise visit, as they reached the floor, smoky was smoking. They had reached the door, smoky was still smoking, and black out happened. Saved by the whisker, as the squad came in, every one moved out. 

           Well squad did smell some thing fishy, rather smoky, but no one waited long enough to be caught. On more important note, they had lost a day to study and were not at all felling sleepy. It was only 1:00 in night. The obvious question was "What to do?"

           Monc and Hera decided to go to Hera's flat where Rack had already reached. All three were thinking of doing something when the dog next door, barked at something, next rack answered it.  Yes Rack mimicked it to the T. They had found what to do next. All went in to balcony and sat on the leaf bed, yes it was still there, and Rack followed up the first bark, with that of a pups, a hurt dogs shriek and so on, each time he got response from the Alsatian next door. 

           Everything was going fine until, Rack decided to do a grown dogs howl. No, other dog did not think it was a man it was responding too, but now not one but all dogs of the locality were howling. Rack followed the first one with one more, and another, and then she came out.

            The cat woman, hostel owner and wife of a drunk advocate, just walked out with a black plastic bag. What followed next was never seen or heard before. She put her hand into bag and out came a stone which was aimed in direction of Rack and friends, albeit towards ground floor. Then another one towards Alsatian, she missed him. One towards opposite side, one towards other side. Rack looking at her behavior said "it seemed that she is sleep walking and standing in the middle of the road, randomly throwing stones at non existing dogs".

             All agreed at this, however Hera was perplexed, looking at him,

             Monc: "What is troubling you?"

             Hera: "She is so prepared, she must have got distinction in her bachelors, look she keeps a bag full of stones with her." 

              Neither Monc nor Rack could say anything...they slept, for black out continued. 

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